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Since upgrading to 1.5.2 it says that cron job is not setup but it is [Fixed] | Forum

MarkieMark67 Apr 10 '13
Steve Winter OK you got me now. :(
MarkieMark67 Apr 10 '13
Steve Winter who do you use for HOSTING?
Mario Carriere
Mario Carriere Apr 10 '13
Hi MarkieMark67,

I did try curl http://wwwMySite/ow_cron/run.php... no luck. My cron job are sent every minute... I configure an email to be sent to make sure... 60 emails laters... lol... Shut it off...

My C pannel has not been updated lately. This thing happen right after the update to 1.5.2. This update did a few things to my site, like changing my header png file... Everything is now back to normal except that notice...

My host is Hostgator. Never had a problem with them since the beginning.


MarkieMark67 Apr 10 '13
Steve Winter Here are a few suggestions. But you might have all ready tried them.

php -q /home/user_name123/public_html/cron.php

/usr/local/php4/bin/php -q /home/user_name123/public_html/cron.php

/usr/local/php5/bin/php5 -q /home/user_name123/public_html/cron.php

The Forum post is edited by MarkieMark67 Apr 10 '13
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 10 '13
It's not that cron is not running it's that this new version of Oxwall has a bug.
Mario Carriere
Mario Carriere Apr 10 '13

Well... did a few tests... And it seem (in my case) that MarkieMark67 was right.

Solve my problem by changing my cron job from running it via HTTP

wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.yoursite.com/ow_cron/run.php


curl http://www.yoursite.com/ow_cron/run.php

to running my cron job locally with

/usr/local/bin/php /home/site/public_html/ow_cron/run.php

Following the instructions at ;


But the update has something to do with it since this append exactly after it.

So thanks everybody and hope this help!

MarkieMark67 Apr 10 '13
Mario Carriere Glad I was able to help. I was taking a big guess. I just know my Host made big changes last month, and that I had to  make changes also
Alia Team
Alia Apr 11 '13
Guys,  I have passed the issue with the notice not disappearing when CRON runs to developers.
I will keep you posted.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 11 '13
Quote from Mario Carriere /usr/local/bin/php /home/site/public_html/ow_cron/run.php

The local thingie seems to have been pleasing to Oxwall and now I don't get the cron message.

Life is good!

Arifur Rahman
Arifur Rahman Apr 11 '13
Here is my link http://www.ofnf.me/ow_cron/run.php

but, i can not see anything..

Alia Team
Alia Apr 11 '13
Arifur, seeing a blank page under this URL is a normal thing.
Are you have issues with Cron as well? What kind of issues? Which version of Oxwall are you using? Have you updated?
Arifur Rahman
Arifur Rahman Apr 11 '13
Yes, I have same issue..

here is admin+cron_configuration_required_notice

  Admin-pannel-error-message.jpg (85.15Kb)
suresh kumar
suresh kumar Apr 11 '13
I am getting that message but my site sends out mail so nothing to worry about i think
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 11 '13
Switching to the local cron thingie fixed it for me and is probably more efficient anyway because it would eliminate a dns lookup etc. 
Rahul verma
Rahul verma Apr 11 '13
i same problem , i had a automatic update n it was quick n successful.my sites plugins,chat,stmp,status all working, but i have same message of cron on admin dashboard

   i uploaded screen shots of all my cron jobs here on this topic .. even i tried all cron n i run it but still i have it on dashboard   

Abbey Apr 13 '13
I have this issue too after the update.... I went in and checked my cron and it is set up properly, exactly as the instructions show, although it's set to run every /16 (unsure what that is), my host doesn't allow crons to run more than every 15 min apparently and they changed it.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 15 '13
Guys, developers have found the solution to the issue with CRON. Issue will be fixed in the upcoming update.
suresh kumar
suresh kumar Apr 15 '13
Thanks Allia,
this is just a notification error or it creates some minor/major error in site?
MarkieMark67 Apr 15 '13
Just a Notification error. As long as the users are getting Notifications, and email are being sent out. You are good.
Yannick Apr 16 '13
Hi that issue of CRON, i have it too. i set the php locally i still have the problem. Users stays online for more that 30 minutes after closing the browser. If we can have the solution that will be great for the chat.
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