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Screen Blank After User Registration | Forum

Laura Jun 30 '13

When a user first signs up and hits the submit button the screen goes blank. You have to force a screen refresh then you can see the dashboard page.

This is not a problem when logging in with the popup form.
Laura Jun 30 '13
I guess no one else has had this happen? It had been reported by several new users to my site. I had flushed the cache but did not correct the problem.
Laura Jun 30 '13
So this is the actual page that it is getting stuck on http://musicians-united.org/...in/join-form-submit/

If the user presses F5 or refreshes it does load the page.

There has to be a fix for this problem??
Alia Team
Alia Jun 30 '13
Laura, check this topic: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/2056

1. Enable DEV MODE
2. Enable DEBUG mode
After enabling, try to register as a new user, any errors instead of blank screen?

3. Check your server's error logs?  Anything related to join page's URL?

Laura Jul 1 '13
So I ran in both Enable DEV & DEBUG modes and the problem went away.
I then disabled DEBUG mode and problem did not return.
I then disabled DEV mode and problem returned
Set DEV mode back to enable and problem went away again.

At no point errors showed. I have left DEV mode enabled for now to correct problem
but I am not sure what the problem is?
Alia Team
Alia Jul 2 '13
Laura, next step will be enablling error reporting in php.ini file

Useful tips: http://php.about.com/..._error_reporting.htm

If you don't have access to this file, ask your hosting company to do this for you. Once it is enabled join as a new user again ( with DEV mode on, and then with DEV mode off). Any errors?
Bailey Aug 16 '13
I could follow the steps you are providing but my site allows no join as a new user.  It is strictly invitation only.  We use oxwall as internal communications within out sorority chapter so only sister of this specific chapter have access. 

Recently, I keep receiving "Error 500 Internal Server Error."  It's usually corrected by re-uploading backed up versions of my files, but for example I set DEV mode to true and the site that was functioning fine two seconds ago now when to Error 500.  I'm sure it's probably one little file having an issue but nothing is showing up in my error log.   
Bailey Aug 16 '13
The problem is a bit puzzling.  If I try to enable DEV mode then I will receive an Error 500.  If I re-upload ow_smarty, the site returns to normal. 

I have an idea of the root of the problem but am unsure how to correct it.  I changed the join_now_widget to direct to the sign in page.  This is a preference for me since having a join now is obsolete, but having a big widget in the middle for sign in is easier to understand then the somewhat obscure console sign in where the cursor changes from a pointer to a text tool which would make most people think they can't select sign in though they can. 

Any help would be appreciated.  The site is http://dphie-gammadelta.org/unicornblessing

I know, unicorns, but it's the sorority mascot. 
Alia Team
Alia Aug 18 '13
Bailey, what about DEBUG mode?
Can you send invitation to following emails:

Bailey Aug 21 '13
I'm not requiring them to verify since there will be no more than 45 people in the whole network, all of which are provided emails by our website. 

I have sent the invitations to those emails.  As I said, the 'sign in' at the middle of the index page directs to http://dphie-gammadelta.org/unicornblessing/sign-in. ; At that point, when the users sign in and push submit the page goes to a blank screen.  A refresh will load the Dashboard with the user logged in.  If users sign in through the console pop up on the index page than it authenticates them without issue and send them straight to the Dashboard. 

I have tried DEV and DEBUG without much success to solving the issue.  I appreciate any and all help.  Thank you in advance. 
Josh Aug 22 '13
I could not find my php.ini file! Any idea Aliia where can could be in Cpanel?
Alia Team
Alia Aug 22 '13
Bailey, thanks for the invitations. I was not able to find anything using debug tools I have.
Will you be able to PM me:

1. admin panel username/pass
2. control panel username/pass/url
Alia Team
Alia Aug 23 '13
Josh, have you tried to look in location mentioned here: http://docs.cpanel.net/...ation/WHMDocs/PhpIni