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What does this do? - Paid Membership | Forum

Michael Leader
Michael May 15 '11
I am looking to section off my site to allow more loyal/frequent members access to more stuff. Kind of like a loyalty reward for participating. Can I use this plugin to section off the site and can I add people to it and just "say" they paid to grant them access?

I need to see a demo of this plugin working to see if it is what I am looking for.
For free plugins it is fine, you can load them (even in a test site) and play with their functions, with paid ones, I think we need a demo/sandbox where we can try before we buy!
Den Team
Den May 23 '11
The main feature of membership plugin is the ability for admin to give any roles for some money. Admin will be able to set role for every membership and price. That's all.
So, if you know how roles are working in oxwall, you will not any questions about memberships :) Is it clear for you ?
Michael Leader
Michael May 23 '11
Ah. Yes. I was hoping I could hide certain secret pages away. Only access certain areas not block whole functions.

Ok. Is there a way I can export individual members based on a member type and insert them and their account type into another site? Easily?
Den Team
Den May 23 '11
Quote from Michael
Ok. Is there a way I can export individual members based on a member type and insert them and their account type into another site? Easily?

Sorry, but currently it is impossible to transfer individual users between two different sites. Only via custom programming.
Baz May 25 '11
does this mod work ok
Jason Poore
Jason Poore Jun 25 '11
I just paid for this item after you said it was fix, but this is not true, I open up a case with paypal to get my money back as no one will return my emails or request for support.... I want my money back for this program,
Michael Leader
Michael Jun 29 '11
What exactly is the problem. I am contemplating on getting this and would like to know of any issues. I was unaware there was any problems!
Mickael Sep 8 '11

For free plugins it is fine, you can load them (even in a test site) and play with their functions, with paid ones, I think we need a demo/sandbox where we can try before we buy!

and more explanations : features, install,manual,updates..topic in forum..
I Agree

Gerald Rusche
Gerald Rusche Nov 27 '11

Quote from Michael
For free plugins it is fine, you can load them (even in a test site) and play with their functions, with paid ones, I think we need a demo/sandbox where we can try before we buy!

I agree too.
Maybe and hopefully we will see more interesting and valubale plugins in the future. I think some like me, are willing to pay more or buy faster if the dont need to answer questions of functionality or would like to see some demo.

Is it possible to make the size of the sceenshots much bigger? I think anything thats able to reduce this pig in a poke feeling will help.

Uhh i just see big disadvantage of the oxwall forum:No preview possible?!
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Dec 28 '11
Thanks for suggestions guys. Oxwall team have redesigned Store and it's allowed to upload bigger screenshots at this time. We will also publish some additional manuals/tutorials in a few days

The Forum post is edited by Skalfa LLC Dec 28 '11
Peter Merrill
Peter Merrill Feb 14 '12
How well does this plugin work? I'm hesitant to purchase it after seeing that some people experienced problems.
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Feb 22 '12
All founded issues were fixed with the latest update. If you have any troubles, you can always post it here. Our team will respond you shortly.

Thank you.
World-Studio Feb 27 '12
where to you put in your paypal info?
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