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video plugin won't let me add video erro below subject [Solved] | Forum

Jean Jul 20 '13
Fatal error: Class 'TagsInputField' not found in /home/content/55/10502155/html/jsocial/ow_plugins/video/controllers/add.php on line 135
The Forum post is edited by Alia Dec 12 '13
Jean Jul 20 '13
video those the same here is error  Fatal error: Class 'TagsInputField' not found in /home/content/55/10502155/html/jsocial/ow_plugins/blogs/controllers/save.php on line 255
Jean Jul 20 '13
links those the same here is error Fatal error: Class 'TagsInputField' not found in /home/content/55/10502155/html/jsocial/ow_plugins/links/controllers/save.php on line 207
Jean Jul 20 '13
photo those the same thing here is error Fatal error: Class 'TagsInputField' not found in /home/content/55/10502155/html/jsocial/ow_plugins/photo/controllers/upload.php on line 687
Alia Team
Alia Jul 21 '13
Jean,  what did you do ( any changes) before the error appeared?
Jean Aug 15 '13
they all work now but the picture won't show up for some reason and it's been like that since i had oxwall installed
Alia Team
Alia Aug 26 '13
Jean, can you provide a screen shot of the picture not showing up?
Jean Sep 5 '13
you can go to social.jeansainvil.com to see that all my picture don't work even avatar, sorry i don't have a camera right now
Alia Team
Alia Sep 5 '13

1. some folders might be  missing on your server.
Check whether you have:


Check whether corrupted images physically exist within those folders.

2. Make sure that those folders are set to have 777 permissionsrecuresively.

3. If you are using google maps plugin deactivate it.

4. Might be .htaccess issue: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/5025

5. Check your access/error logs. Do they have anything related to photos?
Jean Sep 7 '13
aliia, yes my ow_pluginfiles/photo when i click on the file there's nothing in there

ow_userfiles/plugins/photo have some picture in there

ow_pluginfiles/base/avatars only have an index file zero bytes

ow_userfiles/plugins/base/avatars there is some file by the user too

alia already created an account ftp for my site can you check it and see what you can do thx 

Alia Team
Alia Sep 9 '13
Jean, can you PM me your FTP details?
Alia Team
Alia Sep 9 '13
Was .htaccess issue.

Jean, note that you still  have incorrect permissions ( see my reply #9). So far everything seem to work in terms of displaying photos, but if in future you face any issues with photo upload I suggest changing permissions to 777.
Eric Dec 5 '13
I got some similar errors. This one was reported by a member of BuckGet.com Fatal error: Class 'TagsInputField' not found in /home/content/01/8685301/html/buckget.com/ow_plugins/blogs/controllers/save.php on line 260 - See more at: http://buckget.com/blogs/4427#sthash.qLrGY3N4.dpuf

Please help,

Thank you,


Eric Dec 5 '13
And I got this error as well. I installed the contact importer, activated it, put the keys into the boxes and saved them, and I get this error when i click on the users "dashboard" tab 

Fatal error
: Class 'TagsInputField' not found in/home/content/01/8685301/html/buckget.com/ow_plugins/contact_importer/components/email_invite.php on line 46

The error seems to move when I move the contact importer item in the admin user dashboard, but everything else seems to be working fine. I am using version 1.5.1 because the updates haven't worked for 1.5.2 or 1.5.3, but 1.5.1 seems to work fine for now and the contact importer worked at one point. The error goes away when I delete the contact importer. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and started over many times. It worked at one point and I can't tell when it stopped working because I have installed lots of plugins since then. Please help. I feel like the contact importer is a very important component for growth of the community.

What do we have to do with the .htaccess files to fix this and which .htaccess files need changed?

Thank you,

Alia Team
Alia Dec 5 '13
Eric, how did you install the plugin? Via admin panel>>available plugins?
OR you downloaded one from store?
What is your current build of Contact Importer plugin?

I suspect that your Contact Importer's build doesn't match the version of your core (1.5.1)

Eric Dec 6 '13
Hi Aliia.

I have never been able to install anything via the admin panel. I get the "Invalid FTP attributes. Provided user doesn't have permission to overwrite files" message even though I enter all the information the same way I enter it in filezilla. I have always wondered why the "host" box is "localhost". I just enter "buckget.com" there because that's what I do in filezilla and it works. Is that correct? 

I am only able to install plugins by downloading them from the store and ftp ing them to my server via filezilla since the ftp attributes has never worked. I think that's part of the reason why I can't update from 1.5.1 and the plugins aren't working.

I don't know how to check the build of the contact importer, but that explains why my plugins aren't working. I always thought the plugins would be backwards compatible. It asked me to update them, and I can't update the 1.5.1 without the website becoming non functional.

So the key is to stop updating the plugins if the core isn't updated even though it asks me to and to either upgrade the 1.5.1 or to downgrade the plugins? How can I do those things? Are the old plugins available somewhere?

Thank you Aliia,


Eric Dec 6 '13

If it's helpful, the store lists the most recent build of contact importer, the one I updated to at the admin panel's request, as having been published on Aug 4 '10. I have updated all the plugins the admin panel asked me to update except the ones that say they need updated that showed up today, "friends" , "video cinematic mode" and "profile progress bar" because I guess if I update things it asks me to update, they just stop working? Several of the plugins it asked me to update are not working now that I have had a chance to check the website, blogs can't be posted or edited

Fatal errorClass 'TagsInputField' not found in /home/content/01/8685301/html/buckget.com/ow_plugins/blogs/controllers/save.php on line 255

, links do not work

Fatal errorClass 'TagsInputField' not found in /home/content/01/8685301/html/buckget.com/ow_plugins/links/controllers/save.php on line 207

links don't work

Fatal errorClass 'TagsInputField' not found in /home/content/01/8685301/html/buckget.com/ow_plugins/video/controllers/add.php on line 133

and that's just the ones I have found from browsing around casually. I am almost positive there are more problems than that.

Please help, Aliia.

Can I give you my ftp info like Jean did?

Thanks again, Aliia,


Alia Team
Alia Dec 9 '13
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the FTP info.
Indeed the issue is within mismatching version of Core and plugins.

New features and bug fixes are added to each version of Oxwall's core and plugins are updated to work with the latest version. In your case, plugins contain code for new features/fixes, while core code doesn't have them.

I have fixed the blogs for you just to test things.
Please find your original save.php
I have replaced it with the save.php that suits 1.5.1 version of Oxwall and now you can add blogs without errors.

I strongly recommend updating your core instead of downgrading your plugins.

ENABLE DEBUG MODE IN ow_includes/config.php ( set to "true" at the end of the file)
Change your currently active theme to "Origin".

1. Make a full back up of your site using tools from your control panel.
2. Deactivate ALL plugins you have in admin panel.
3. Upgrade your Core. Since you can't get the FTP thing work correctly, you will need to run a manual update.
   a) Download update pack from http://www.oxwall.org/download ; ( make sure to download the update pack and not the Oxwall Common 1.5.3)
   b) follow instructions for Core's Manual update given here: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:update

You should not face any issues at stage. If you get any errors, let me know.

4. If core  updates successfully, start activating your plugins one by one. Make sure to check your site after each activation.  In this case, if you get an error, you will know which plugin is causing this.

DISABLE DEBUG MODE in config.php
Change your theme to the one you want to.
Eric Dec 9 '13
Thank you soooo much, Aliia,

I am following your steps now.So far everything seems ok.

I don't know how to backup from the control panel, so I am just saving the old files to my desktop.I hope that is ok.

This time, I created a file with the date and time because when I saved the files before, they would overwrite the old "buckget.com" file so I don't have any of my old saved files even though I saved them all the time.

So I don't have any of the old saved files because they were overwritten.I am such a dummy.lol.

Did you see how dumb I am from giving away my idea to Chad Hurley for YouTube.com for a verbal and unfulfilled promise of 1% or $16.5 million at http://IInventedYouTube.com ?...And in the meantime, I am really poor and sad.lol.I am really dumb right?Maybe BuckGet.com will be the next YouTube.lol.

Let's keep in touch and I will let you know how it is going as I follow your instructions. I would love to stay in touch, so please friend me at http://EricSkaggs.com and http://facebook.com/ericskaggs and google "Eric Skaggs" and friend me at the other places. I found you on LinkedIn, but I can't friend people there without an email address and I don't know yours so friend me if you can.

Thanks again,




Founder of http://BuckGet.com

Eric Dec 9 '13
It worked, Aliia.Thanks again...now I just gotta figure out what a cron job is and how to do that and set up some of the plugins.
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