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Cannot Embed videos [Answered] | Forum

Wesley Oct 15 '13

none of my users can add embedded videos via youtube to my site, I have tested this and I too cannot embed any videos. I have tested multiply videos from youtube. I am using the correct embed code.

I have attached two error images, error1 is what users receive when trying to embed a video from the Dashboard/Activity feed

error2 is the error received when trying to embed a video directly through the video section.

Any help would be appreciated.
The Forum post is edited by Alia Oct 16 '13
  error 1.png (38.13Kb)
  error 2.png (7.18Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Oct 16 '13
Wesley,  reply from Ross #27 here http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/11428?&page=2 .

this happens due to the security settings of your hosting server. You need to contact your hosting provider  and ask them to take a look at your access and error logs for this URL /video/add/index/ and 404 error code and find out an exact reason of forbidden.

In your case ask them also to check error logs for URL from the screen shot bellow:

Wesley Oct 16 '13
Ok thanks will do will post feedback on solution.