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new platform | Forum

Bruno Aug 1 '11
the new version of the platform does not work in the areas of customizing pages. I try to insert the code that had previously and no longer works. not update the platform. I uninstalled the old platform did a new database, everything new. I wanted to put the following code in the html content and not the.

<body onLoad="MM_preloadImages('file:///C|/Users/Bruno/Desktop/mais_hiphop.png')">
<table width="842" border="0" align="center">
     <td width="795" height="235" align="center" valign="top"> <img src = "http://www.pthiphop.com/pthiphop/rede_imagens/rede_promove.png" width = "795 "height =" 224 "border =" 0 "/> </ td>
     <td width="37" align="center" valign="top"> </ td>
   </ tr>
</ table>

</ body>
Bruno Aug 1 '11
've got. I removed the onload code.
thanks anyway.
Den Team
Den Aug 2 '11
Topic was moved from General Questions.