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My Dashboard Newsfeed | Forum

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Pete Mar 7 '14

I have noted that the newsfeed of mydashboard only show just the members posts of that dashboard ,people can reply ,I thought a newsfeed was  supposed to show each member everyone s posts on the newsfeed ,It does on main index,but like me some members do not want a newsfeed on there main index page  .What is the point of having a newsfeed on dashboard just to show your own posts . This should be fixed so it works proper also on the dash,


I understand Oxwall is free ,but these things or what members need

The Forum post is edited by Pete Mar 7 '14
Joseph Mar 7 '14
it shows your posts and posts from friends as well as group posts if you are a member of that group but it would be nice to have the newsfeed work the way where it shows everyone on dashboard as of now you have to remove the friends plugin to have it work that way which is sort of a rip off it's like why cant we have full customization over our networks without the hassle of coding yeah some of know our way around but that's not fair to others
John Mar 7 '14
Maybe I'm seeing things differently, but what if you have a small site with 100 members?

If each member posted one new item a day, the newsfeed would show 100 new listings. That would be up to 4 pages of STUFF.

What about a site with 500 members? That would be up to 20 pages of STUFF and surely nobody is going to sift through that?

I thought all newsfeeds were there to show you what your friends have been up to, not every member of the site, most of which you will have no interest in!

What you are asking would choke the database in weeks, if not days.

I'm with Oxwall I'm afraid.
ross Team
ross Mar 9 '14
This has been discussed a lot of times. Index page newsfeed show activity of all website members. Dashboard newsfeed shows activity of your friends only. My profile page shows your activity only. 
Pete Mar 10 '14
We should have the choice of showing everything or just friends posts in Dash news feed ,I cant understand why there has to be a difference .a lot of people do not want newsfeed on main page .Anyway lets hope its sorted out in the near future ,it would be so much better.
Joseph Mar 10 '14
love oxwall but let's face it rather than address the issues oxwall will step around them Pete they don't care they think their product is perfect I know it sounds like I am against oxwall but honestly I am just speaking the truth when there is an issue oxwall kind of steps around it instead of addressing it or pretends that the user doesn't know what they are talking about or wants us to go post another site and have people vote on it yet that site isn't even in  the sites perma links you have to find it in a forum post in order to even get to it in short oxwall just doesn't make sense
The Forum post is edited by Joseph Mar 10 '14
Pete Mar 10 '14

I think its a bit silly having 2 different newsfeeds on main and dash ,surely it would be easier for the coders of oxwall to make it the same. No wonder oxwall keeps messing up having 2 different newsfeeds ,this is so silly if you ask me. On the main index newsfeed you can turn off the things that you do not want to show ,surly this should be the same for the dash,and make oxwall a far more stable platform. I understand having the dash newsfeed just for friends posts only,but if you have a news feed on main index ,you do not need to have one on your dash, its just far to much having one on main index and one on dash . I would sooner have a full newsfeed on the dash than on the index page ,if members have no choice but to have this full newsfeed only on there main index,it does not give them a lot of scope to customise there main index page ,and in my opinion is a big let down for oxwall. Members could make some great main index pages if thy were not made to use the full newsfeed on there main page.



The Forum post is edited by Pete Mar 10 '14
Pete Mar 10 '14

The above post is just my view .Look how much nicer and pro oxwall looks without having a newsfeed on the main index page http://ukadoptionregister.org/

The Forum post is edited by Pete Mar 10 '14
ross Team
ross Mar 10 '14
Guys, sure everyone can have their own views, but we cannot adapt the software each time when somebody says that some feature is silly or redundant.  Oxwall has been developed to suit the needs of the majority of clients needs. 

If you don't like newsfeed on the index page, remove it then, don't want newsfeed on the dashboard, deactivate it. This whole thing is about the concept of the website and how big you community website is. Some clients make index as a landing page, some does dashboard as a landing page. The concept varies from website to website. Which is why you are free to customize it to your needs - replace the components, change, customize, use widgets, don't use them

Joseph Mar 10 '14
we are talking about making the dashboard feed have an option of seeing everyone or friends only without having to remove the friends plugin that way users have the dashboard they can customize
Austeyr Mar 11 '14
http://www.oxwall.org/market/specialists why not get someone from here to build you what you want. a new plugin that shows all content posted on the site. Personally i like the way the newsfeed works. Index is for all posts and activity on the site, Dashboard is for posts from friends and people you follow makes perfect sense to me...
John Mar 11 '14
It doesn't make sense to me and I'd like to think this would be much more intuitive for the user.

The word Activity can be "Dashboard" "River" "Newsfeed" or whatever, but with tabs there is only one menu item and one screen to contend with. The user can then decide how much or how little they want to see just by clicking a tab.
ross Team
ross Mar 12 '14
Pete Mar 14 '14

Quote from ross
Guys, sure everyone can have their own views, but we cannot adapt the software each time when somebody says that some feature is silly or redundant.  Oxwall has been developed to suit the needs of the majority of clients needs. 

If you don't like newsfeed on the index page, remove it then, don't want newsfeed on the dashboard, deactivate it. This whole thing is about the concept of the website and how big you community website is. Some clients make index as a landing page, some does dashboard as a landing page. The concept varies from website to website. Which is why you are free to customize it to your needs - replace the components, change, customize, use widgets, don't use them

Ross if we had the same newsfeed for main and dash ,it would make oxwall more stable ,and give people the choice what thy wanted in newsfeed
ross Team
ross Mar 14 '14
Make a suggestion on uservoice, or create a post in the custom code modification section or hire a programmer. 
Joseph Mar 14 '14
why does oxwall even have uservoice why not just have a in house plugin where we can make suggestions?
John Mar 14 '14
I found uservoice useless. A lot of the stuff on the first few pages has already been implemented and a lot is for FB look-alike options. I think the idea is great, but it looks as though it could do with some serious housekeeping.

People (well me at least) are not going to burrow through ten pages looking for a similar post. Starting a new one to be on top is sully because it will have zero followers.

Concepts such as Uservoice need to be be heavily moderated for them to work.

The screenshot I used above is from my own site powered by another script. It has a landing page called "Activity" or whatever and it covers all the stuff in offered in "Oxwall's Main and Dash". It handles all options - All, Friends, Mine None (the latter selected by the user removing the widget.)

It's an option Oxwall could easily implement  in an upcoming edition, but it would attract very few votes on Uservoice because FB doesn't have it.

Joseph Mar 14 '14
exactly soem good suggestiosn on there never get voted up because they don't maintenance it as well is there a permanent link here on oxwall.org to uservoice or do we have to browse teh forum until we find it? If there is its not in teh menus here oxwall needs better management.
Musik Mar 15 '14
John, that is an interesting implementation. Is this something that you programmed personally, or you hired a specialist to create?
John Mar 15 '14
Hi Ari, It's another script altogether. I'll pm you.
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