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update error | Forum

Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 11 '14
We were doing plugin in updates for our second site and in updating a plugin we reached the enclosed error and we arent exactly sure why or how to fix it and this is on 1.6
The Forum post is edited by Amber S /Liz M Jul 11 '14
  error.PNG (5.98Kb)
  line79.PNG (2.39Kb)
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
You need to update your core first then you can update your plugins. 
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 11 '14
 update core? sorry we just started the site, and were doing plugin updates, what do you mean update core
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
You need to update the software first from 1.6 to 1.7 then you'll be able to update your plugins, because 1.7 plugins won't work on 1.6. 
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 11 '14
um we werent trying to do 1.7 we dont even have it installed so why would the plugins say update on 1.6 so basically when we clicked the update plugins for 1.6 they automatically went for 1.7? if this is the case how do we fix the issue, we dont want 1.7 
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
unpack this archive in ow_plugins folder, instead of current mailbox plugin, then go to phpmyadmin to ow_base_plugin table and compare the plugin builds in plugin.xml file and this plugin in ow_base_plugin table if they differ, put the one which is in plugin.xml.

 Then go to available plugins section in admin panel and install this plugin. 

  mailbox.zip (120.71Kb)
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 11 '14
Thank you ross for your help its most appreciated