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error with fbconnect+join_incorrect_username | Forum

pit Jul 24 '14
I there!

I recently have a problem with fbconnect component. The refferred error is >fbconnect+join_incorrect_username<

... and the message say (in spanish): "Lo sentimos, no puedes iniciar sesión en Facebook porque su nombre contiene caracteres no latinos" (traduction: "We sorry, you cant start session in Facebook becaus your name contents no latin characters")

An user named "José Manuel" in facebook try to connect with my platform but the "é" character is the problem because he change their name in facebook for "Jose" without the sign "´" and then can connect... but it's no a solution!!!!!!

Many people in Spain have this characters in their name and I expect have this problem many times and it's sure that Im loosing some potential users for this problem.

What can I do to solve?

To this problem, the user team of oxwall, Ross, say me:

Here's the solution, however it is in russian: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10336 use google translator.

Please do the search before posting. 

The Forum post is edited by pit Jul 24 '14
pit Jul 24 '14
Ok now i try to arrange the facebook connect from CONTACT IMPORTER PLUGIN

In the link posted an user says about fb_connect_field table in our database but i dont find it. Maybe this solution is deprecated?
ross Team
ross Jul 24 '14
No, it should be there, please check again it is called ow_fbconnect_field
pit Jul 24 '14
Ok, i was looking in one of my 2 websites with oxwall software, 1 of them with plugin installed and other without... hehehe, it's the cause that i can't find in database, i was searching in wrong site.

Ok, in the correct site (who plugin it's intalled) i make the changes. Now i need to try get an user with special characters to see how resolve the mod this problem

***According have read, does not catch the user name, only the first part of the email, from start to the character @. It's not the perfect solution but it's seems the most correct from now.

When i check the solution, i put here the results (and i put this solution in spanish sub-forum to help another people).
