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Need Member Map for 1.7.1 | Forum

Rob R
Rob R Aug 28 '14
I'm in search of a member map plugin compatible with 1.7.1.  It should be integrated with the user profile, registration, and search functions and viewable in the Users area.  Here's what my search came up with ...

* Google Maps Location was promising but even on 1.7.0 it was conflicting with at least the Extended Events plugin.  Evidently it injects API into every page.  In 1.7.1, it works intermittently sometimes recognizing locations other times doing absolutely nothing.

* Maps Pro looked very promising but there doesn't seem to be any integration into the profile system.  And frankly, the layout and controls leave a lot to be desired.  I had originalyl gotten this as a "Places" section but am now very hesitant because of its lack of polish particularly on the backend.

* Member Locations seems to be a good substitute but I held off on buying it since the developer (Purusothaman who has made many good, affordable plugins) even admitted its not what I'm looking for.

* There's even this free method another member posted making use of Wordpress integrated into Oxwall.  Given how delicate Oxwall seems to be with plugins, I would tend to shy away from something like this.

Any advice greatly apprecaited.
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 28 '14
Sadly that's the problem with 95% of plugins there sort of work but not how they should work

Some as you say need polish on backed some so bad on backend you just can not use them as they hurt your site ranking so bad 

Most of the device on pointing that out and show them the right way to do it just don't care 

Some don't have a clue on fixing stuff

They just don't care there plug in is in store near they making money now that's all they care about 

I have over 20 plugins I just can't use 

Rob R
Rob R Aug 28 '14
I'm getting close to that count, Tammy.
Rob R
Rob R Aug 28 '14
I think wrong thread, AT.
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 28 '14
Some plugins 12 months now and dev still dodge that they don't work b won't fix them 

And oxwall keeps letting them sell plugins that don't work 

I have put my hard up several time to be a plug in teste and quality controlerr 

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Aug 28 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 29 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Rob R
Rob R Aug 29 '14
No developer interested in doing this?  Or fixing Google Maps Location to work with 1.7.1 and not conflict with Extended Events?
Peatech LLC
Peatech LLC Aug 29 '14

Quote from Rob R * Google Maps Location was promising but even on 1.7.0 it was conflicting with at least the Extended Events plugin. Evidently it injects API into every page. In 1.7.1, it works intermittently sometimes recognizing locations other times doing absolutely nothing.

If a developer makes a plugin for Oxwall, it's their job to make it compatible with Oxwall, not with other third-party plugins. This works on all other open source softwares like wordpress: because every third-party developer works a different way their code can clash with the code of others. This can be fixed if you ask your developer to create a fix for the plugin, so they can be compatible.

Believe it or not, some developers are willing to give some of their most expensive plugins away to other developers for free so their customer can use both without error. Just try asking - hopefully they'll reply.

As for 1.7.1 issues with Google Maps Location, that should be up to the developer. I do believe it's by an Oxwall core developer however, and with some experience with them they don't seem to be quick on support - most likely because they're working on the actual software?

It's all about direct contact in third-party support, it's hardly ever tracked on forums, etc.

Head of Developments
Rob R
Rob R Aug 29 '14
If they were responsive, I would not have made this post.
dave Leader
dave Sep 1 '14
If you just want a basic member map, you can get one via wordpress, set it up, and then use iframe to create a page in oxwall, then when they visit that page it will record them or you can set it up to record them when they log in.  

You have to know php to do this, there are some minor changes to the wordpress you have to do, not hard but you need to remove some items to make it look right.   But once done it works fantastic.. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 1 '14
Rob R
Rob R Sep 2 '14
yes, dave, i linked to that in the first post.  id prefer something more oxwall integrated.