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Missing "Add Plugin" and "Add Theme" buttons | Forum

Den Team
Den Mar 5 '12
Such problem appears after migration from wall.fm to oxwall using "Data importer" plugin. To fix it, just run this query in your phpMyAdmin:

INSERT INTO `ow_base_menu_item` ( `prefix`, `key`, `documentKey`, `type`, `order`, `routePath`, `externalUrl`, `newWindow`, `visibleFor`) VALUES ( 'admin', 'sidebar_menu_plugins_add', '', 'admin_plugins', 3, 'admin_plugins_add', NULL, 0, 2), ( 'admin', 'sidebar_menu_themes_add', '', 'admin_appearance', 3, 'admin_themes_add_new', NULL, 0, 3);

Joseph Apr 11 '12
not sure how to insert things in the database can you show me a screen shot of how this should look so I make sure I am doing it correctly
The Forum post is edited by Joseph Apr 11 '12
Den Team
Den Apr 23 '12
- Login to your phpMyAdmin. 

- Select your Oxwall DB. 

- click "SQL" between tabs

- paste the provided query and click "run"

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