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Events bug | Forum

MarkieMark67 Apr 27 '12
I am running 1.3.2, and yesterday I upgraded to the new Events plugin, Now I get an Error 500 Internal Server Error.I tried to remove the plug in and, even Reloaded my backed and I still can't get the site backup and running any suggestion?
Joseph Apr 27 '12
is there an option in the admin panel to update the db now when you login?
MarkieMark67 Apr 27 '12
No Option at all. I can't log into anything
MarkieMark67 Apr 27 '12
I installed a fresh copy of 1.3.2, and from the ADMIN panel I instructed me that Events had an update. So I updated from my admin panel, and Guess what it crashed the installation again.
Joseph Apr 27 '12
what is your url?
Joseph Apr 27 '12
hmmm have you tried the manual upgrade yet? with the manual upgrade if you get a error you can go back to the old plugin you should not have issues 
MarkieMark67 Apr 27 '12
Getting ready to try that now.
MarkieMark67 Apr 27 '12
My problem seems to be related to AUTO update. Manual update worked fine.
Henrik May 2 '12
I had the same problem and manual update worked also for me.
Michael I.
Michael I. May 6 '12
Thanks for the report, Mark and Henrik. We will check into the issue and post an update as soon as we have any.
Michael I.
Michael I. May 13 '12
Gentlemen, we've released an updated version of Events plugin recently. Try updating it and let me know if you have any difficulties.
jays Feb 2 '14
hi, can anyone tel me what these bug errors mean? (see attachment).

running oxwall 1.6

im not sure if its in connection with adding ('OW_USE_CONTEXT', 1); in the ow_includes/config.php file to remove mobile.
is the problem in the DB?

  events bug.jpg (92.41Kb)
ross Team
ross Feb 3 '14

Jays, what are you trying to achieve? according to the warnings you're trying to add new plugin or customize current one. 

The obvious explanation is that you're trying to add a plugin which route is already taken: 

for example yoursite.com/event and you have customized this plugin and have not changed it's route in init.php file of the plugin and trying to add it to your site.