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Unable to Change the Header or logo image | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Ajay Apr 30 '16
I cant change the logo or header image in the simplicity theme. I login go into theme customization upload the images then click save and nothing changes.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Apr 30 '16
Just tried it on mine. Everything work fine. There may be something else going on. You may want to post this in the troubleshooting section so Ross will see it. I don't see him in the theme section much. Of course he want be back on until Monday.
dave Leader
dave Apr 30 '16
You might be pulling up a cached version of the site, clear your site cache with dev mod on, and then also clear your browser cache as well.  Let us know ;)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Apr 30 '16
*1 Dave
Good point. I didn't think about that.
Mike Jul 5 '16
I managed to change Header and Logo images by uploading the new ones in the ow_static folder:( /public_html/ow_static/themes/simplicity/images/ ) and NOT in the main ow_themes folder: ( /public_html/ow_themes/simplicity/images/ )

dave Leader
dave Jul 5 '16
That means that your static content is not being replaced when you clear your cache using dev mode, which is why i recommend that extreme cache plugin, its free and it does a fair job, sometimes better than the manual way. 
The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 5 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 5 '16
The general.html, and dndindex.html are all jacked up in the Simplicity theme. I've suggested some fixes to get the code fixed. I've just went back through it again, and made the attached changes in the 1.8.3 version. There were to many moves, and adds to list them all. I've attached the two files with the mods. Take a look. Copy your original files, and place them in another folder, and replace them with these. Let me know what you think.

If you do this, don't forget to set dev mode to true, and refresh you site for the changes to take affect. Then set dev mode back to false. I've forwarded this on to 'Ross as well.
The Forum post is edited by Darryl B Jul 5 '16
  Simplicity gen and dnd.zip (2Kb)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 5 '16
With the mod above; I was able to change the header pic, and the logo image with no issues. It also hides the header image when you click on "customize this page" on the index page.
trong nam
trong nam Jun 22 '20
Darryl B but how i can mod that ?
The Forum post is edited by trong nam Jun 22 '20
dave Leader
dave Jun 22 '20

trong nam - you can open the files in a code editor which there are several free you can download.  Here are just two:

notepad++  https://notepad-plus-plus.org/


programmers notepad   https://www.pnotepad.org/