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Would like to put Quick Links on Main page | Forum

Bobby Feb 12 '13
Hi I'm new here (soon to stop using this as an excuse)
I hope I'm on the correct board - and I could edit some code if needed.

In "Dashboard" there is a "Quick Links" box.
I would like to put Quick Links on the "Main" page.

The drag and drop method will not carry quick links from Dashboard to Main, AFAIK.

Can anyone point me to my oversight or to a topic... perhaps about "creating custom Oxwall blocks" or something along these lines?

You may even call me "big dummy" and tell me how simple (or not simple) this is. I'm still experimenting with oxwall and I don't know all the ins and outs, yet. But oxwall is an excellent package. Perfect for my needs. I've been manipulating code and mods for open source FORUM software for years. But I haven't even peeked in all of oxwall's directories, yet.

Any help, pointers, direction... greatly appreciated!
cit27 Feb 12 '13
you might be interested in user Statistic Widget: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/337
Bobby Feb 12 '13
I narrowed my search to "quick" and found someone has posted this notion in the user suggestions. Go vote for Quick Links to be available on pages other than the Dashboard!

cit27 - looks like the description for that widget says: "to be displayed on user profile page..."
Looks like a good widget but I guess I want a "Quick Links on Main page" widget.
It doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to copy/paste the quick links code to the main page from the dashboard page. ha ha ha ha. Oh well.
SL Feb 13 '13
The function of quick link is for site users (dahsboard page or profile page) not for index page (usually used for public page) ...or are you asking about site statistic...http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/440

If only want to get quick link you can create quick link using html widget on /index page ...and put the html code is look like this one: <a href="groups"">Groups</a>...etc haa..haa. oh well
The Forum post is edited by SL Feb 13 '13
cit27 Feb 13 '13

Quote from Raden If only want to get quick link you can create quick link using html widget on /index page ...and put the html code is look like this one: <a href="groups"">Groups</a>...etc haa..haa. oh well GTranslated
I made a quick link as simple as you said, but I put in the footer ... please look at My Site

Bobby Feb 13 '13
Raden -
No, not statistics.
But yes, you are correct. I will have to study how to make widgets because yes, I do not use Dashboard and my users do not normally go to profile pages.
Yes. A widget on main page with user_variables so each, individual user, from "Main" page can click on "My Blogs," "My Photos," "My Links," etc.

:) like I said, I will have to study how to create this widget ha ha ha :) or I will have to beg someone to make this widget for me and I will have to pay them :)
But then my wife won't let me have dinner because I spend too much money.
cit27 Feb 13 '13
I dont know how to add the statistic. But this is The Simple Quick Link. Go to /index page and Click Customize This Page or open URL: yoursite.com/index/customize. Drag the HTML Widget. Copy the code below and paste into the HTML widget box.

<p>Quick Link</p>
<ul class="ow_regular"><li><a href="groups/my">My Groups</a></li>
<li><a href="blogs/my-published-posts">My Blogs</a></li>
<li><a href="friends">My Friends</a></li>
<li><a href="my-profile">My Profile</a></li>
<li><a href="dashboard">My Dashboard</a></li>
<li><a href="questions/my">My Questions</a></li>
<li><a href="photo">Photo</a></li>
<li><a href="video">Video</a></li></ul>

You olso can use this simple Quick Link on your site users profile page: go to site.com/admin/user-profile.

The Forum post is edited by cit27 Feb 13 '13
Bobby Feb 13 '13
I think I might actually be going insane. My head hurts and saliva is running out the corner of my mouth, involuntarily. How can I not find the code for these quick links in any php or html file?

cit27 how did you know <a href="blogs/my-published-posts"> would take me to my own, published blogs? And "my-profile" would take me to my profile?

Excellent idea, thank you! This would work perfectly if I can know all the variables.

Like <li><a href="my-photos">My Photos</a></li> doesn't take me to my photos.
Neither does <li><a href="/photo/useralbums/my-photos">My Photos</a></li>
Nor does <li><a href="/photo/useralbums/my-albums">Photos</a></li>
or <li><a href="/photo/useralbums/my-photo-albums">Photos</a></li>

Isn't there a place where I can find the info to make my own links? Or... what file has the actual code, the actual html code for quick links?

I'm sleepy. I think I have a concussion. Voices in my head. Make the voices go away.
matt Feb 13 '13
Hi Bobby,

Photos (and videos) doesn't seem to have a url alias in owall. You might probably need to use an $_GET php variable to get the session user name.


Bobby Feb 14 '13
Hi Matt
Thanks for joining in. We're getting somewhere but I'm still not ... Matt I understand what you are saying. The thing is... _get what? Not that I can write code from scratch but I can't even find the variables like ,,, where are they? What are they? I feel so stupid. I must have missed checking a page.
I'm only smart enough to destroy things.
So the what and the where. For instance. What are the variables?
Would I want to fetch "user-profile" or "user_profile" or "ow_user_profile" or... "{user_profile}" ?
Ya know? It's like, where did I miss seeing a list of the things I can $_get ?

Don't worry if the answer is completely obvious - see - my brain operates in "let's hack this phpBB template/style (phpBB is an open source forum). I am sooooooooo used to that, I may never understand oxwall. Or else they are exactly the same and I fooled myself, stressed myself and made a very simple oversight.

But like I said, I don't code from the ground up, anyway. And I have great respect for those who do. I don't want to mess with something I'm "not supposed" to mess with.
But if I am allowed to mess with the oxwall pages then what I'm looking for is the .html file that follows the php rules.
In my mind I'm thinking there should be a "dashboard.php" (there actually is) and then there should be a "dashboard.html." And within the code for dashboard.html would be the usual, HTML code, including the variable, for each link. This would basically look like cit27's last post.
It would be like <ul>yadda yadda<li>yadda yadda<if>yadda<elseif>yadda yadda<a href> $_get "{user_photo_album})" see my albums </a></li></ul>

I found "quick_links.html" (something like that) and still, no conceivable (to me) way they are creating those user-specific links in the dashboard.

At this point - we're just having a conversation and - I like it. I'm happy I have you guys to chat with. Again, I fully disclose, I am ONLY smart enough to do something stupid :)
Maybe... is everything here Java? And the secrets I seek are in a JS directory? Does that even make sense? See? Admittedly, I am no genius.
matt Feb 14 '13
Hi Bobby,

If you search $_GET in google, you might find what I'm on about. I don't know how to do it myself. I just know what needs doing, iycwim.  It seems that oxwall has routes for somethings like blogs, and not others like photo and video. So to recreate the quick links, one will have to make a link which adds the username variable.

Make sense?

Bobby Feb 14 '13
Yes, this makes sense. Thank you, Fonzie! I mean, matt! (I'm in Milwaukee. We have an actual statue of the Fonz here, somewhere)
Bobby Feb 14 '13
Hi Leo,
Thank you for taking the time to join this. I appreciate it :)
I don't want to be long-winded here but a quick background: I am using oxwall for family only. Family members easily confused ha ha ha. So I hide dashboard from them. I only use "Main" page.
But alas, I find I want "Quick Links" from dashboard to be on main page. Like a user widget. Like a personal, navigation box. So, from main page, user can click on "My Photos," "My Blogs," "My Links." etc.

So I guess we are currently discussing how I might use the widget for Main page which allows html. I could possibly paste the code from dashboard quick links into the available html widget for Main page and then simply drag the widget down, when customizing Main page.

This method actually works for "user-profile" and "blogs/my-published-posts."
So I thought maybe I could get it to work for photos, links, etc.
I've tried things such as "user-photos" and "my-photos" in my links. No such luck.

I'm either over-simplifying or under-simplifying when I think: "if those, user, 'quick links' can be placed on a dashboard page, how can they not be placed on the main page."
But I'm new here and new to oxwall and right now the answer seems to be in developing my own widget and I'm way, way, way far away from that, if ever I could accomplish coding something like that, from the ground up by myself.

Does this make sense? My 65 year-old dad would be confused if he had a Main page AND a Dashboard that looks almost identical to Main Page.
At the same time, he would be less confused if he had a link to find his own blogs, which otherwise appear to be mixed in with all the blog entries (to him, anyway).
I can't drag quick links to main page and I can't drag "recent photos" block to dashboard.
So I'm in a conundrum :)

When this first started, I thought it would be "easy." I know coding isn't easy or everyone would be a coder. I just thought this particular desire would be easier on me, I guess.
But the more I get used to oxwall - the more I'm thinking I should just say "Dad, just click on your profile, your profile page will show you, your own entries."

Oxwall is completely awesome. I've just discovered it. I'm probably too excited and I'm putting my cart ahead of my horse. But because I've been hacking away at phpBB forums for years, in my head I'm like "HEY why can't I do this?!" I need to spend some time researching templates and widgets.

Unique Feb 14 '13
before changing anything on your site, you need to learn this first:  http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/6082

The rule are

  • Use it according to standard oxwall existing
  • If you want to do custom modification, then you have to understand it
  • If you do not know, then look for a plugin to your liking or hire a developer to help you

Bobby Feb 14 '13
Hi Leo
Thank you, thank you, thank you. EXACTLY what I was looking for. Someday, I will find a way to repay you for restoring my sanity (at least my usual level of sanity).
Thank you, Leo. Thank you!
Quote from Leo

2) To get the links you want to add in a custom html widget you only have to take a look in the init.php files of the different plugins. So, just look in the first few lines of the mentioned files and you would be able to create your custom html widget with the links you want.